6 July 2013

Asiana Airlines Flight 214 , Boeing 777-200 registration HL7742 from Seoul to San Francisco with 291 passengers and 16 crew members while was landing on runway 28L impacted the ground broke the tail which separated from fuselage and also engines and all gears separated from airplane.After airplane stopped some meters further burst into flames and destroyed.Most of passengers evacuated the airplane but 3 people reported dead and many with injures


From debris on runway airplane touched down earlier than the threshold.Airplane it was in normal landing they didn't declare an emergency before impacted the ground


On 7 July authorities reported that 2 people died 10 they are in critical condition , 38 serious injured and 82 with minor injuries


At the time of accident the ILS didn't work because of maintenance works(from 1 June until 22 August)


According to ground observers the airplane approached the runway but it was too low with result the gears to touch the sea wall and brake like also to brake the tail section


The 2 dead people they were seating at the tail section


On 7 July the NTSB after examined the black boxes reported that the crew cleared for visual approach 28L which the crew accepted the landing reference speed set to 137 knts.7 sec before the impact a crew member called for speed.4 sec before the impact the stick shaker activated(it means airplane near to stall).1.5 sec before the impact the crew called a go around.During the approach the throttles were at idle and the airspeed slowed below the target speed of 137 knts.After the crew called a go around throttles advanced and the engines appeared to respond normally


According to observer's video(that he was filming airplanes at airport the time of accident) it seems that the airplane it was at high angle of pitch(because of low speed near to stall) and impacted ground with tail section and gears with result to separate the tail section and main gears .Airplane skidded on runway then began a spin and wing touch down broke and airplane jump up hitting the ground after and taking fire


Watch here this video from observer Fred Hayes how he send to cnn



On 8 of July South Korea Ministry of Trasport reported that the captain(43 years , 9793 hours) that he was on control he was  supervised of a training captain , because he was doing his first landing on a Boeing 777 in San Francisco(he had 29 landings in San Francisco with other types of airplane).The training captain he had 3220 hours with Boeing 777 and all responsibilities were with him.


On 9 of July NTSB in their press conference reported things from pilots interviews.The pilots said that they had speed 180knts until 5nm after they set up airplane for flaps 30 with speed 160knts.Target speed it was 137 knts.At 4000 feet they were high so they put descent rate at -1500 feet.At 500 feet the papi was showing 3 red 1 white(it means they are low) so they pull up the nose for they reduce the descent rate and they were thinking authothrottle will remain the target speed 137 knts.At 200 feet it was all red lights (papi) and the speed it was critical low.Then the pilot that was flying was going to move throttles forward but the other pilot had already moved them forward.The autothrottles position after accident it was in armed position but it is not clear if before accident it was armed what mode and when armed.Both engines fire system and APU also it was opened.Also they said that from traces on runway the airplane first hit the sea wall with main gears and after with tail section


watch the press conference on 9 July here



On 11 of July NTSB released their final press conference based on CVR.First they reported that the pilots reported that at around 500 feet some light blind them , this probably caused from sunlight reflection to airplane and not from runway.Now according to CVR first airplane it was high while approach after it was more low.35 sec before impact the 500 feet call sounded and the landing checklist finished.18 sec before the impact the 200 feet call sounded , 9 sec before the impact the 100 feet call sounded and also voice of first officer calling for speed.Between 500 and 100 feet nobody spoke or called for speed.3 sec before the impact it was the first call for go-around and 1.5 sec before the impact it was the second call for go around.According to FDR the autothrust and autopilot was working normal and the engines responded normal after moving forward.All passengers seats it was inside airplane except from 3 seats from flight attendants they they ejected outside together with them.The runway released to airport on 10 July for cleaning


watch the press conference on 11 July here



 On 12 of July hospital reported that a girl also died from her injures from accident and 2 other passengers stayed in critical condition



© Moritz Riemer - Aviationportraits


First flight:25-02-2006

Age:7.4 years


photo from twitter from David Eun



photos from twitter









photos from NTSB









San Francisco airport



Place of impact
